[:en]La sfida a colpi di cocktail più famosa d’Italia arriva sotto la Lanterna. Lunedì 22 Ottobre 2018 sarà Genova il teatro del quarto appuntamento di Mix Contest Italy Tour, la competizione che correndo lungo tutta la Penisola incoronerà il miglior bartender d’Italia MT Magazine. Nell’elegante Hotel Nh Collection Genova Marina, affacciato sul porto antico della città, 10 cocktail bar rappresentati dai loro bartender si sfideranno per aggiudicarsi due lasciapassare per la finale nazionale di febbraio 2019.
It started as a small city event around the world of mixology, but Mix Contest has come a long way since then. Thought of as one battle between Turin bartenders, who for one evening would have had to leave the counter of their cocktail bar to compete in front of an audience of ordinary people and experts in the sector, the event immediately received the enthusiastic approval of all the participants, who loudly asked for a new edition.
So Lalla Carello, creator and organizer of the format together with the To Be agency, had an idea: expand the competition to bartenders from other Italian cities, keeping Turin as the theater of individual events which saw mixologists from Milan, Bologna, Florence and Rome compete. Each event decreed two winners who, representing their city, battled to win the title of best bartender in Italy.
Today Mix Contest is back with great news: no longer static events but a real tour that will visit some of the Italian cities most suited to mixing during 2018 for historical or contemporary reasons.
The new format is called Mix Contest Italy Tour and left Turin on 23 July 2018.
La prossima città che accoglierà il Mix Contest Italy Tour sarà Genova, che nella suggestiva cornice dell’NH Collection Genova Marina, affacciato sul Porto Antico della città, vedrà 10 cocktail bars compete to win two passes to the national final in February 2019.
I cocktail bar in gara saranno
The next stages will be:
Each stage will see how the NH Hotel Group Hotels were the venue for the competition, official partner of the Mix Contest Italy Tour together with Caribbean Company And Schweppes.
The grand finale, which will crown the best bartender in Italy, will be held in February 2019 in a location that remains secret for the moment.
The format will be the same as the first edition: 10 cocktail bars, represented by their bartender or their reference barlady, will prepare two cocktails – a pre-dinner and an after-dinner – which will come served to the participating public and subjected to the judgment of a technical jury made up of experts and professionals in the sector. At the end of each event, the public votes will be added to the votes of the technical jury and two city winners will be chosen. At the end of the tour, in a location still shrouded in mystery, the finalists will compete with the same rules to win the title of best bartender in Italy MT Magazine.