[:en]In nature, the cutting is the fragment of branch that is cut and prepared for grafting, a sort of blank canvas on which the new colors of the future plant will be drawn. Speaking metaphorically, it is as if Filippo Sisti's new cocktail bar was a project under constant construction, and not because there is a lack of ideas, mind you, but precisely because the ideas are so many and so complex that they require a constant experimental attitude, a curiosity that cannot be exhausted, a desire to go where no one had ever dared, at least in mixology.
Forget the cocktails that up until now you have ordered more or less in any cocktail bar in the world: here there is no mojito, there is no Americano, there is no Negroni. All more than worthy examples of classic mixing, obviously, but the idea behind Talea is completely different: avant-garde mixology (where avant-garde means that set of artistic tensions that find their trait d'union in the need to create) applied to refined raw materials from all over the world and processed with haute cuisine techniques. Not just Italian cuisine of course, but cuisines from all corners of the Earth, suggestions and gastronomic traditions that lend their age-old knowledge to the art of mixing, ending up making Talea almost the modern equivalent of a starred restaurant, so studied are the cocktails in the ingredients, in the combinations and in the presentation.
Such a philosophy places bartender and customer on exactly the same level, without one prevailing over the other. The first is the one who creates, the second is the one who suggests ideas, desires and suggestions. The former makes use of the imagination of the latter and vice versa, putting all his knowledge and expertise at the service of the guest. Taste is at the center of the scene, always and in any case. For Filippo there is no such thing as a sweet drink, a savory drink, a citric drink, there is only a perfectly balanced cocktail. This is the key to his research, the balance of flavors that can only derive from a deep connection between a drink and the mood of the person who drinks it. It is precisely this that makes and will always make the bartender fundamental, with all due respect to robots and those who think that a set of gears can replace the emotions and empathy of the human being.
The environment, of Nordic inspiration, with natural materials that skilfully mix rustic atmospheres with elegant details, is itself an invitation to experiment and create, in accordance with that philosophy which is recently giving life to the most innovative ideas precisely in the colder regions, inspiring all the fashions that arise in the Old and New Continent. [:]