It is with pride that I look at how much this guide has grown in the space of just one year. We started in 2017 from Turin and Milan, two cities which due to their history and culture have always been a point of reference for national and international mixing, convinced that the journey was only at the beginning but without a precise idea of the goal to reach. We just wanted to collect in a quality guide what in our opinion were and still are the best city realities in terms of cocktail bars, and so we did. The first issue of MT Magazine was released in June 2017, presented in Turin during a large event that brought together many of the bartenders and companies featured in the magazine. The success we achieved that evening was a source of inspiration and profound reflections on the future: should we stop or try to think bigger, giving new breadth to a guide that had been appreciated beyond our wildest predictions? At that point we went to Milan, to present the fruit of our work to the public and its protagonists, some of the best bartenders and cocktail bars in the city. After that evening we met, took stock, put successes and failures on the table, discussed doubts and the future and reached a unanimous conclusion: MT Magazine had to and could grow further. So we decided to take it not only back to Turin and Milan, but also to the three cities which, like the first two, express the best examples of Italian mixing: Bologna, Florence and Rome. The magazine has been enriched in content and quality, becoming what in our opinion is today one of the most interesting guides in the sector. At the same time we developed a website that could reach where the guide stopped for mere reasons of space, exploiting the infinite possibilities of the web to also give a voice to those who are no longer on paper this year with a view to a turnover in our dutiful judgment towards the public. Detailed sheets of every cocktail bar and every bartender who has been or is present in the guide, the possibility of updating the public in real time on events, new openings, arrivals and departures, information on the most important global beverage realities. And now? Now the doubts of last year have vanished and the road ahead is clearer than ever: grow further and get to work immediately on the new edition![:]