[:en]A few months ago it seemed impossible, like all the undertakings that no one has ever had the courage to attempt.
Then they arrived: Fabio Bacchi, Andrea Fofi, Leonardo Leuci, Giuseppe Gallo and they said: "let's try it"
The result? Today Roma Bar Show officially begins, the first national event dedicated entirely to mixology. Things? Let's hear it from the voice of Fabio Bacchi:
“The Roma Bar Show will be a very large show, of around 5000 square metres, full of innovative and different contents compared to what has been seen so far, from a technical but above all human point of view. In fact, the protagonist will be the consumer, who will be able to enjoy two days of experiential and tasting courses, rather than academic initiatives reserved for sector experts."
Seminars, conferences, tastings, workshops, great personalities from the world mixology sector. All this and much more will be the two days of the Roma Bar Show at the Capital's Palazzo dei Congressi, which will also host a series of competitions sponsored by the most important international brands including the Italian final of Patron Perfectionist 2019, whose winner will have right to access the world final. The 6 finalists will be judged by a technical jury made up of the Italian winner of the last edition, Patròn's global Brand Ambassador Sarah Södersten and the Director of MT Magazine Italia Laura Carello.
The protagonists will be consumers and experts, but obviously there will also be companies. There spirit industry The Italian bar was in fact very receptive: more than 100 companies, both large and small, responded and will participate in the show together with the most prominent names in international bartending.
Read the full program here: Roma Bar Show program[:]